目前看过比较好的律政剧了剧本很大方的描述了法律的中间地带也带来很多思考比如律师帮客户打赢官司后发现客户说谎了做了伪证心理医生发现他的病人可能有危害他人生命的危险是否需要以及能不能出卖病人隐私当一份职业被寄予太多的厚望超出职业本身而从事此行业的人员势必需要背负很多也可能会有所扭曲借用剧中主角Alan shore 的话:it's full of dirty business here. 人性复杂黄金间谍大作战可以卑鄙黄金间谍大作战可以伟大大部分时候是时常伟大偶尔卑鄙Alan I adore you forever
The plot is quite predictable and ordinary, but man this picture is beautiful! The scenes are just breathtaking. The vulnerabilities of the characters and the way the dp shot them just make them so pretty and touched the softest part of my heart. Quite a few lines got me and I got quite teary towards the later part. Also loved the costumes. #1945